Opportunities for worship

Sunday School 0930
Worship Service 1030

31 August 2010

New Series of Sermons Starts Sunday September 5

We will begin a new 13 week sermon series this Sunday, 5 September 2010. We will take a closer look at the Parables of Jesus. This Sunday we will look at the Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Parable of the Leaven. Tell your friends and coworkers. You can begin now to read these great parables again so they will be fresh in your Spirit, mind and heart. These parables discuss the Kingdom of God and how it grows not only in us but in all the world. I know you will be challenged and blessed as we look at these parables with some fresh insights. God bless you this week.

30 August 2010

Sermon Notes from 29 August 2010

In case you missed any of the words to fill in the blanks on the sermon notes on the back of the bulletin here are the notes from the sermon yesterday. We will be replacing the overhead projector in the near future and back to our regular projection system but until then I will post sermon notes here on Monday following the sermon. Tomorrow I will post notes from the sermon on 22 August in cse you missed something then and want to fill it in.


So the world may believe


We must be united so the world may believe the Father has sent the Son.

If we are divided, the world will not be convinced the Father has not sent the Son

    We cannot glorify Christ

    We cannot represent Christianity as truth

    We cannot receive the glory Christ desires for us


The basis of our unity is that God is in Christ and Christ is in each of us.

    Not in an organic, structural unity

    Not in doctrinal confessions

    Not in phony high sounding fluff


If Christ is in us we have fellowship in Him

    Forgiveness of sins

    Humility of heart and character

    Longing for restoration and peace

    Awareness of our own sinful nature

    Weariness in struggling with sin


Regardless of how much Christ asks us to forgive other believers, it will fade into nothing in comparison to what we have asked Christ to forgive in ourselves.


John 17:20-26

29 August 2010

Family Fun Day Feedback

Judging by the laughter I heard it sounds like our first Family Fun Day was a Success. Many thanks to Benedicte for helping organize the game of Charades. Also thanks for everyone who brought food/ drinks/ desert and also games. Special appreciation as well goes out to all the men who hung around the kitchen washing dishes. Remember it is only two months until the next Fifth Sunday. October 31 for those of us who like to keep up with Calendars and schedule things.

So here is the challenge. I have already received several excellent suggestions for ways to improve the next fun day. What are your ideas? Click on the Comment link below this post and let us know your ideas. Also you can click on the "become a follower" button on the left to receive notification when updates are posted to this Blog.

28 August 2010

Construction Projects update

The cage around the generator has been built and is in place. It is nice and sturdy with plenty of room for starting the generator. The next step is getting the switch to go from Tanesco Power to Generated power moved around to the outside of the building and connecting the wiring to the generator.
On another electricity note, Tanesco has reported that the LUKU Meter for the parsonage will not be available until October of this year. There is another style meter that could be provided at the same price but is not an acceptable option.

26 August 2010

Lord's Supper this Sunday

This Sunday we will observe and celebrate the Lord's Supper. We will also finish our Three week long examination of the High priestly Prayer from John Chapter 17. As you prepare for Worship this Sunday examine your hearts to see that we observe the Supper in a manner worthy of the grace by which we stand. I Corinthians 11:27-32. If we count on our own righteous behavior and observance of rules or even spiritual practices to make us worthy we are already judged. Instead we must evaluate our hearts to see whether we are trusting in the grace of our Heavenly Father and the sufficiency of Christ's Sacrifice on our behalf. We should approach the table with a humble and contrite heart that relies only the mercy of Christ to make us worthy. We know that in our own strength will never be righteous and must depend on the imputed righteousness of Christ to make us presentable for partaking of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

25 August 2010

Midweek Bible Studies

Please check the map on the bulletin board in the hallway. We are updating the schedule and locations for our midweek bible studies and would appreciate your input. ake one of the pins that are attached to a slip of paper that are all around the map. Write your family name on the map. Once you have located your home on the map, place the pin and the paper slip with your name on it on the map. Last years midweek group meetings were a big success and we anticipate more of the same this year. Your input will help us organize a meeting for a time and location convenient to you.

24 August 2010

Unofficial IBC Worship Book

Matt, Vijay and Scott are compiling a list of songs for a worship book to use on Sunday mornings. We will continue to use powerpoint in our morning worship but we are looking for songs that people like and are not in the hymnal. They hope to compile this to make it easier for people to join the worship team and for pratice sessions. So this is your chance to provide input as to what songs go in the book. If for instance you are that one person who was greatly disappointed that "God of Earth and Outer Space" somehow didn't find its way into the new hymnal this is your chance. If you want to suggest a song for the worship book simply post a comment to this message and we will see that it gets included.

Worship Team News

It has been a blessing to see a stage full of people helping to lead us in worship in recent months. But with School returning we are losing a few of these folks. This creates opportunities for more people to help lead us in worship on Sunday Mornings. There is no audition necessary just a heart for praise and a love for singing. Practice is on Saturday afternoon at 1430 (2:30 PM) in the auditorium. We also have an opportunity for someone who plays keyboard to join in the services. The church has a keyboard just waiting for someone to come and help. Again, no auditions are necessary just a willingness to serve and the ability to play.

God Bless.

Church Business Meeting

Sunday September 6 will be an important business meeting for International Baptist Church and we have some items of signifigant importance to the Church Family on the agenda. Be sure and check the bulletin Board in the Hall for information about proposed plans to renovate the Askari house in the corner of the property. Plans and prices for the renovation are posted there so be sure and review the information and ask questions.

Family Day at International Baptist Church

Welcome back from Winter break and travels. Local Schools have started back in session and it is a great time to renew acquintances and friendship with people you haven't seen in a few months. This Sunday, August 29th, we will start a new tradition at International Baptist Church. Following the Morning worship service we will have a pot luck supper. You are welcome to come and bring your favorite dish or something you really like to cook. We will all enjoy a meal and fellowship together followed by games and fun. We will have supervised activities for the children and adults are encouraged to bring a board game, cards, croquet, badminton or whatever you enjoy to play. We will stick around the church grounds as long as everyone is enjoying themselves and having fun.

The plan is for this to be the first of many Family Day celebrations. The next one is planned for October 31. Be sure to check your calendars, any month that has 5 Sundays we will plan a family day celebration for the fifth Sunday.