Opportunities for worship

Sunday School 0930
Worship Service 1030

30 August 2010

Sermon Notes from 29 August 2010

In case you missed any of the words to fill in the blanks on the sermon notes on the back of the bulletin here are the notes from the sermon yesterday. We will be replacing the overhead projector in the near future and back to our regular projection system but until then I will post sermon notes here on Monday following the sermon. Tomorrow I will post notes from the sermon on 22 August in cse you missed something then and want to fill it in.


So the world may believe


We must be united so the world may believe the Father has sent the Son.

If we are divided, the world will not be convinced the Father has not sent the Son

    We cannot glorify Christ

    We cannot represent Christianity as truth

    We cannot receive the glory Christ desires for us


The basis of our unity is that God is in Christ and Christ is in each of us.

    Not in an organic, structural unity

    Not in doctrinal confessions

    Not in phony high sounding fluff


If Christ is in us we have fellowship in Him

    Forgiveness of sins

    Humility of heart and character

    Longing for restoration and peace

    Awareness of our own sinful nature

    Weariness in struggling with sin


Regardless of how much Christ asks us to forgive other believers, it will fade into nothing in comparison to what we have asked Christ to forgive in ourselves.


John 17:20-26

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