Opportunities for worship

Sunday School 0930
Worship Service 1030

21 October 2010

Sermon Notes 17-10-2010

The Shrewd Manager


Some Basic questions to proper understanding

    Who is the Master in Verse 8?

    Where does the parable end and Jesus commentary begin?

    Why would anyone praise a person who stole from them?


What did this shrewd manager actually do?

    Cancel his extortion in collecting the account?

    Actually give away the Master's money?

    Most likely he did a little of both.

    Dishonest may refer only to his general character and not

    the specific action for which his master praised him.



What does this say about how we should use Money?

All the resources we have should be viewed as a stewardship from God. This includes not only money but time, abilities, and skills as well.


The purpose of our stewardship is to make friends in heaven so they will receive us.


John Wesley's advice on money

    Earn all you can,

    Save all you can,

    Give all you can.

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