Opportunities for worship

Sunday School 0930
Worship Service 1030

27 December 2010

Sermon Notes 19 December 2010

That believing, you might live


There are competing views of successful life that meet at the stable in Bethlehem.


The first is the thieves and robbers. Theirs is the way of easy money, win the lottery, hit the jackpot make it rich off other people's money, labor, and intelligence.


Jesus' way is the way of life. It is very different from the way of the thieves and robbers.


Jesus had everything and left it all for us.        Philippians 2:5-11

    Never stopped being God

    Emptied Himself of His rights as God

He performed miracles to show His disciples who He was

    Changing water to wine                John 2:1-12

    Healing an official's son            John 4:46-54

    Healing the man at Bethesda            John 5:1-14

    Feeding 5,000 with a single lunch        John 6:1-15

    Walking on water                John 6:16-21

    Healing a man born blind            John 9

    Rising from the dead                John 20


Knowing Jesus is eternal life.                John 17:3

Eternal life is not heaven. Heaven is where Jesus is and a very real place.

Eternal life begins when we receive Jesus by faith.

Eternal life is God's Holy Spirit living in each of us because of our faith in Jesus Christ.                        Gal 2:20

Eternal life prepares us for heaven. Because we have eternal life we have the opportunity to obey Jesus


What has He commanded us? Love one another.

John 13:34-35 people will know us as His if we love one another

I John 4:7-8 we fail to love because we do not know God.

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