Opportunities for worship

Sunday School 0930
Worship Service 1030

26 August 2010

Lord's Supper this Sunday

This Sunday we will observe and celebrate the Lord's Supper. We will also finish our Three week long examination of the High priestly Prayer from John Chapter 17. As you prepare for Worship this Sunday examine your hearts to see that we observe the Supper in a manner worthy of the grace by which we stand. I Corinthians 11:27-32. If we count on our own righteous behavior and observance of rules or even spiritual practices to make us worthy we are already judged. Instead we must evaluate our hearts to see whether we are trusting in the grace of our Heavenly Father and the sufficiency of Christ's Sacrifice on our behalf. We should approach the table with a humble and contrite heart that relies only the mercy of Christ to make us worthy. We know that in our own strength will never be righteous and must depend on the imputed righteousness of Christ to make us presentable for partaking of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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