Opportunities for worship

Sunday School 0930
Worship Service 1030

27 December 2010

New Years Eve Watch Party

International Baptist Church of Tanzania will host a New Year's Eve Watch Party at 8 PM on 31 December. We will begin at 8 pm and continue until sometime after Midnight. Everyone and anyone is invited and welcome to attend. Shortly before midnight we will pray in the New Year. Earlier in the evening we will play games and have fellowship and snacks and refreshments. Bring your favorite game or games and light snacks. The church will provide coffee, tea, juice and water.

Sermon Notes 26 December 2010

The Greatest Man who ever lived


Unique in His birth

    Born of a virgin             Luke 1:26-33

    Son of God                Luke 1:34-35


Unique in His power

    Overcoming temptation            Luke 4:1-3

    Casting out Demons            Luke 4:31-37, 40-41

    Curing diseases                Luke 4:38-39

    Performing miracles


Unique in his teachings

    Parables of unequaled beauty        Luke 10:30-37, 15:11-31

    Teaching with Authority


Unique in His death

    Even the centurion noticed        Luke 23:44:-49

    His death was only temporary        Luke 24


Yet more than a Man

    He forgave sins

    Received worship

    Demonstrated power over nature


Claimed He

    Existed before Abraham

    Was one with the Father

    Was the giver of Eternal Life


Luke's purpose was that we might know the certainty of the things about which we have been instructed. How can we answer the mystery of this singular individual?

Sermon Notes 19 December 2010

That believing, you might live


There are competing views of successful life that meet at the stable in Bethlehem.


The first is the thieves and robbers. Theirs is the way of easy money, win the lottery, hit the jackpot make it rich off other people's money, labor, and intelligence.


Jesus' way is the way of life. It is very different from the way of the thieves and robbers.


Jesus had everything and left it all for us.        Philippians 2:5-11

    Never stopped being God

    Emptied Himself of His rights as God

He performed miracles to show His disciples who He was

    Changing water to wine                John 2:1-12

    Healing an official's son            John 4:46-54

    Healing the man at Bethesda            John 5:1-14

    Feeding 5,000 with a single lunch        John 6:1-15

    Walking on water                John 6:16-21

    Healing a man born blind            John 9

    Rising from the dead                John 20


Knowing Jesus is eternal life.                John 17:3

Eternal life is not heaven. Heaven is where Jesus is and a very real place.

Eternal life begins when we receive Jesus by faith.

Eternal life is God's Holy Spirit living in each of us because of our faith in Jesus Christ.                        Gal 2:20

Eternal life prepares us for heaven. Because we have eternal life we have the opportunity to obey Jesus


What has He commanded us? Love one another.

John 13:34-35 people will know us as His if we love one another

I John 4:7-8 we fail to love because we do not know God.

Sermon Notes 12 December 2010

Jesus: Promised Messiah


Jesus is the Messiah. He completely fulfills the Old Testament Prophecies

    Born of a virgin            Isaiah 7:14    Matt 1:22-23

    Born in Bethlehem            Micah 5:2    Matt 2:1-6

    Grew up in Egypt            Hosea 11:1    Matt 2:13-15

    Began His ministry in Capernaum    Isaiah 9:1-2    Matt 4:12-17

    Healed their diseases            Isaiah 53:4    Matt 8:14-17

    God's Messenger prepared his way    Malachi 3:1    Matt 11:7-11

    God's Suffering Servant        Isaiah 42:1-4    Matt 12:15-21

    Taught in Parables            Psalm 78:2    Matt 13:34-35

    Triumphal entry on a colt        Zech 9:9    Matt 21:1-5

    He is the rejected cornerstone        Ps 118:22-23    Matt 21:42-44

    Disciples abandoned Him        Zech 13:7    Matt 26:31-32

    Gambled for His garments        Psalm 22:18    Matt 27:35


Many of the Jewish leaders failed to recognize this while Jesus was performing His public ministry. Even John the Baptist nearly missed the significance of these predictions.        Matt 11:1-6


The messianic kingdom has been inaugurated in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.                    Matt 12:22-28


What will you make of Jesus of Nazareth? How do you respond to the evidence Matthew presents?

Sermon Notes 5 December 2010

Jesus: The Mighty Son of God


Who does Mark say that Jesus Is?


Jesus is the mighty Son of God who defeats the enemies of God and Man

    Satan and temptation                Mark 1:12 - 13

    Overcomes demons                Mark 1:23 - 26

    Illness and disability                Mark 1:29 - 2:5

Jesus was misunderstood and somewhat enigmatic

    Misunderstood by the religious leaders        Mark 3:20 - 28

    By His own Disciples                Mark 8:16 – 21

    By common people                Mark 8:27 – 28

    Peter grasped the enigma            Mark 8:29


What is the significance of recognizing who Jesus is?


For Jesus it meant





For the Apostles it meant



    Losing their lives to find them in Him


How does God confirm who Jesus is?

    Triumphal entry with the common people

    Betrayal at the hands of two of his apostles

    Rejection and treachery at the hands of the religious leaders



02 December 2010

Sermon Notes 21-November 2010

Joy in the Journey

Luke 5:27-38


The Source of our Joy


    Obedient Discipleship


The situation of our Joy

    Not in isolated separation from the world

    In the midst of sinners and other people just like us


The circumstances of our Joy

    Joy is a fruit of the Spirit living in us    Gal 5:22-23

    Spirit of Adoption where we call God our Father

                        Gal 4:6, Rom 8:15

    Joy of hope that God works all things for good for us Rom 8:28

    Joy in the tribulations which produce Character

        And confirm our hope    Rom 5:3

    Joy of experiencing liberty over Law    Gal 4:5, Rom 8:1-2

    Joy of Wedlock to our soul's true husband    Rom 7:1-4


The rejection of our Joy

    Many people will prefer the routine of legalism and the false

    Comfort it brings to the challenge of following God on the

    Trail of life.

01 December 2010

Sermon Notes 28 November 2010

Are You Ready?


This parable is set in the midst of Jesus long discourse on the end times. Jesus is teaching His disciples to be prepared for the certainty of His return from heaven.


This parable illustrates the foolishness of some Christians in preparing to meet Christ.


The virgins accompanied the bride to the bridegroom's home.


They displayed their foolishness in two ways during the ceremony.

    Not bringing enough oil to anticipate the groom's delay

    Going in search of oil at midnight


The defining characteristics of a fool


    Wasting the time we have been allowed to mature


    Being more concerned about the oil than attending the bride


The defining characteristics of wisdom


Luke 6:46-49 the two builders



James 1:22-25


The attributes of wisdom James 3:13-18



Full of Mercy and good fruit



17 November 2010

Small group bible studies underway

The small group Bible Studies meeting during the week are underway. Two groups are using the Design for Discipleship Series from Navpress. The group meeting at Francois and Katie Martins' house in Mikocheni will begin Book Two this week. Pastor Eric is the leader of this group but leadership duties rotate and are shared by various members of the group. Cost Mrema leads the group that meets an Chanan School in Mbezi Tank Bovu. They are also using Design for Discipleship.
The group that meets in Oyster Bay at Matt and Mary Stephenson's home will begin this week instead of last week as reported earlier on this Blog. This group will examine Romans verse by verse as the meet. They will meet every other Thursday at 6 PM. For more information on any of these groups, contact the leaders or the host for the particular group you are interested in or comment to this blog.

Pastor Eric

Sermon Notes 14 November 2010

Sins Against Grace

One Parable with two applications
Most obviously allegorical of Matthews parables
King is God,the Father
The Son is Jesus Christ
The Bride is the church
The Wedding feast is the Messianic banquet
Servants of the first announcement were the prophets up to John
Servants of the second announcement were the Apostles
The first group of invitees was Israel of the Old Testament
The second group of invitees is every tribe and tongue of earth
The wedding gown is the faithful life expected of a disciple

What then is the meaning of the parable?

The parable warns against two wicked responses to the grace of God so richly poured out on us in Christ. Together these responses prove the point of Jesus summary statement; "Many are called, few are chosen."

The first response is to despise the grace of God by ignoring it or refusing to accept it when it is offered to us. This was the sin of the first group of invited guests. Far too often this sin leads to a rejection which takes the form of violence.

The second response is to despise God's grace by refusing to deal with the sin God's Spirit reveals in our lives. This is the sin of Romans Chapter 6.

The balanced approach is grateful obedience to Christ which produces a life of Holiness and Love.

I Peter 1:22-25
Galatians 5:2-6

11 November 2010

New Bible Study Starts Tonight

There is a new Bible Study starting tonight at 6:00 pm in Oyster bay. Matt and Mary Stephenson will be hosting an exegetical Study of Paul's Epistle to the Romans. This is the first night for this new exciting study.
Paul wrote this epistle in anticipation of a trip to Rome. The church at Rome was started by believing Jews who were converted to the Gospel following Peter's sermon at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out. Paul wrote this epistle as a way of introducing himself and setting forth the gospel he preached to the church at Rome. It is a brilliant defense and explanation of the Gospel of salvation by grace.
Throughout history, Romans has been an influential book not only within the church but in society as a whole. Romans 1:17 (Look it up) was the spark on which Martin Luther built the fire that became the protestant reformation. For many years Law schools used the first 8 chapters of Romans as an instructional example of logic and defending a point.
This study begins at 6 pm tonight at Matt and Mary Stephenson's house in Oyster bay. For directions you may call the church at 0222 774 423 (Land line) or 0777 180 097.

10 November 2010

Family Fun Day This Sunday 14 November

Just a reminder that we have rescheduled our Family Fun Day for this Sunday 14 November 2010. We were originally scheduled for Sunday 31 October but conflicted with Election Day here in Dar es Salaam and elected to reschedule for a later date. Thanks for electing to worship with us and choosing to come this Sunday for Family Fun and Fellowship. Bring your favorite food for the potluck and a game or two to play together for the fellowship to follow. If the last event in August is any indicator we should all have a wonderful time.

Sermon Notes 7 November 2010

The Pharisee, The Sinner and the Savior

The scene is a banquet at the house of Simon, A Pharisee.

A Woman interrupts the banquet, where Jesus is a guest.
Simon, the host, misjudges the woman and her actions.
Jesus presents His host with a question in the form of a parable.
The host judges, correctly but reluctantly.
Jesus explains the womans actions.

The Pharisee, the Sinner, and the Savior

How should Simon (and by extension, me and thee) have responded to this parable?

"I love little because I have been forgiven little. I have been forgiven little beause I have not fully realized the grace of God towards me and received His forgiveness."

THe title of this sermon is deceptive because of the three main characters in the storyonly Jesus was not a sinner.
Simon, the pharisee, was a sinner inside the law, acceptable to most people.
The woman who intruded was a sinner outside the law, unacceptable to most people.
Repentance is harder for those who need to repent but don't know it or will not acknowledge it.

Whenever Jesus confronts our sinfulness our response is either faith or offense. One of us must be proven wrong, either Jesus or me.
He is either a rue, offensive man who points out my flaws and demands that I stop that behavior, or He is God's agent sent to redeem me through placing faith in Him and finding forgiveness in His response.

Sermon NOtes 31 October 2010

The Great Banquet

This pparable is beautifully elegant in its simplicity.

There is no complicated bckground to unravel. there is a rich depth in the background setting of the parable, but it is not necessary to understand any of the cultural settings to grasp the full meaning of the story.
One of the men dining with Jesus is overcome with the exuberance at the privilege of sharing the banquet with none other than Jesus of Nazareth.

In response to his comment Jesus tells a poem, seven stanzas long, that will be repeaed and cherished for the rest of history.

It contains the greatest news the world has ever heard at any time and in any place.

It also contains the direst warning ever announced to humanity.

The Good news: all who choose to attend the messianic banquet are welcome.

The warning: You are invited but it is possible so greatly to offend the host that you will be excluded from the banquet.

Each of the invited guests in the parable gave a flimsy excuse and offended the host, Jesus Christ Himself. In doing so they earned an exclusion from the guest list.

What escuse will you allow to keep you from joining in this feast?

29 October 2010

Sermon Notes 24 October, 2010

Legalistic Fidelity or Heartfelt Compassion


Setting of the Parable

    An expert's question

    His dialogue with Jesus

    A final task to Accomplish

    Jesus' stunning reversal of the discussion


Structure of the Parable

First Three visitors    Come, Do, and Go

    Robbers did what robbers are wont to do

    Priest was not obligated to do good to a Samaritan who was not

        His neighbor and had no way of knowing this man was not

        a Samaritan

    Levite would have known the priest was ahead of him and had

        Done nothing so he was justified

Final Visitor        Come, Do, and Do

    Not "The delegation of Israel" the expert would have expected

    A heretic and a hated person

    He is moved with compassion for the injured traveler

        Cares for his wounds

        Becomes a servant to him

        Risks his own life to get the stranger to safety

        Provides for the expenses of his care

        Provides for him to get out of town after his recovery


Significance of the parable

En ethic based on legalism is inadequate in the face of human suffering

Our discipleship must lead to merciful, compassionate love

Any attempt to justify ourselves is doomed to failure

Failing to do good when called for is as sinful as doing bad

Jesus reminds us that we must become a neighbor to anyone in need.

21 October 2010

Family Day Update

Sunday 31 October, 2010 is also Election day here in Tanzania. In order to allow our Members from Tanzania the opportunity to participate in the elections we will postpone our next regularly scheduled Family Day. The Following Sunday, 7 November is our Monthly congregational bsiness meeting. Family Day will be celebrated on 14 November instead of the fifth Sunday in October. We will have our usual bitings and tea, coffee and juice on 31 October and will observe and celbrate the Lord's Supper on 31 October. The only change to the schedule is the date of our next Family Day.

Sermon Notes 17-10-2010

The Shrewd Manager


Some Basic questions to proper understanding

    Who is the Master in Verse 8?

    Where does the parable end and Jesus commentary begin?

    Why would anyone praise a person who stole from them?


What did this shrewd manager actually do?

    Cancel his extortion in collecting the account?

    Actually give away the Master's money?

    Most likely he did a little of both.

    Dishonest may refer only to his general character and not

    the specific action for which his master praised him.



What does this say about how we should use Money?

All the resources we have should be viewed as a stewardship from God. This includes not only money but time, abilities, and skills as well.


The purpose of our stewardship is to make friends in heaven so they will receive us.


John Wesley's advice on money

    Earn all you can,

    Save all you can,

    Give all you can.

11 October 2010

Sermon Notes 10 October 2010

The Lost Sons


The prodigal son tells of a father who lost two sons

    His younger son wished his father was dead

    The older agreed with the younger brother's sentiment


In first century Palestinian peasant culture the younger son's request was unheard of. Kenneth E Bailey, in the book "Poet and Peasant" writes about the significance of a son asking for his inheritance while the father is still alive. "For over 15 years I have been asking people from all walks of life from Morocco to India and from Turkey to the Sudan about the implications of a son's request for his inheritance while the father is sill living. The answer has almost always been emphatically the same. The conversation runs as follows.


Has anyone ever made such a request in your village?


Could anyone ever make such a request?


If anyone ever did, what would happen?

The father would beat him, of course!


The request means – he wants his father to die."


By his actions the younger son cuts his ties with

    His father    by wishing him dead

    His brother    by refusing to farm with him after their father's death

`    His village    by shaming his family and violating customs


What does it mean to be lost?

    Like the sheep    separated from the shepherd's protection

    Like the coin    unavailable for use in the kingdom

    Like the prodigal    lost contact with the father

    Like the older son    self righteous and unable to rejoice in the

                Repentance of one loved by God


What does the prodigal think he did wrong?

    He lost the money his father had a legal right to expect his son to

    Use to care for him in his old age.


He plans to become a hired servant in his father's employ

    Face the village and their hatred of him

    Pay back what he lost and provide for his father

    Give up any chance of restored relationship with his brother


What is the father's idea of his son's return?

    He restores him to full stature as a son

    He provides at his own expense everything necessary to restore

    His son to right relationship with everyone involved


What does it mean to repent?

    Not trying to earn your way back into good favor

    Not merely recognizing what you have done wrong

    "Repentance turns out to be the capacity to forgo pride and

    accept graciousness." DO Via

08 October 2010

Changes to the Sunday Morning Routine

Beginning this Sunday and continuing through the month of October we will vary our Sunday morning routine slightly. We will not have Sunday Morning bible Study classes at 9:30 am for either adults or children. Morning Worship will start at 10:30 just as before. We will still have Children's worship just as we have been doing. There will be a slight change however in how this is done.
Children 3 years of age and younger will be in a class of their own with Lucy Wambugu teaching them. They will be in their class during the entire worship service.

Children will still be dismissed for Children's worship after the offering.

Children from 4 to 9 years of age will go to one class and have a bible study and worship time just as they have been doing. This week they will have a lesson on creation and God's love . Marla Hiatt and Arthur Robert will lead this section of Children's worship.
Youth from 10 to 13 years of age will go their own Children's worship section led by Audrey Yohanni. This is a departure from our regular routine.

We are trying this new routine for one month hoping to improve the way we conduct our ministry with Children. Our Sunday school teachers have been doing a great job with the children God has brought to their classes. We have had some difficulty in securing enough teachers to adequately provide for the needs of the children God has sent our way.

Ministering to children in the bible study program of the church may look like simple fun and games, in reality it is anything but. Preschool and primary aged children may not be able to discuss the theological concepts that are the mainstay of their parent's sunday school but their classes are critical for a variety of reasons.

Minsitry to children is ministry to parents. God has entrusted these children to the care and nurture of their parents or guardians. They are responsible for teaching them the things of God. Sunday School teachers work with parents in teaching critical concepts to their children. Concepts such as the trustworthiness of scriptures, God's love for them, that church members love them and want them to know God.

Sunday school teachers and workers also teach important information about the scriptures to their students. Think back to when you were in a children's Sunday school class. You learned the books of the Bible. You heard wonderful stories like Noah's ark, Daniel in the Lion's den and Jesus' miracles. You learned Bible Verses like John 3:16 and the 23rd Psalm. Important promises and announcements of Jesus love for you. Children's Sunday School workers teach a great deal of information that changes the lives of their students and sets the foundation for a lifetime of knowing and loving Jesus. It is imperative that we get this right.

In order to insure that we "get this right" we are going to focus on delivering a quality Children's worship experience. Our goal is for parents to feel comfortable entrusting their children to our teachers and the program we have developed. We also want to insure that children learn in an age appropriate manner the great truths of the faith that will shape their adult life.

Please be in prayer for our teachers and classes as they and we strive to provide quality bible instruction and discipleship for the children God has given us.

04 October 2010

Sermon Notes from 3 October 2010

Be Diligent

Matthew 25:14-30

The Setting    Jesus' lengthy discourse on the end times

        This is the third parable explaining our need to be ready

        A Talent is not ability or skill but a monetary measure

        Each received resources according to their ability


This parable teaches us several key concepts about watching and keeping ready for the Lord's return.


There will be a lengthy period of time between the Resurrection and the second coming.

    After a long time in v.19 could be an age or a part of a man's life

    The servants in the story doubled their master's money

    The third servant was not surprised by an early return


Citizens of the kingdom are expected to work for the advancement of the kingdom.

    The first servant immediately set his master's money to work

    The unfaithful servant is called wicked, slothful and unprofitable

    His master allows him no excuse

    He faces a terrible doom


Rewards and punishments in the kingdom are based on how citizens diligently apply themselves to the resources of the kingdom which are entrusted to them.

    Spiritual rewards keep breaking out in the master's reaction to his servants' report

    of their performance.

    To the ones who have been diligent with the resources entrusted to their care,

    More resources are entrusted.

    Equal diligence in caring for unequal endowments will receive equal rewards.


What you have is God's gift to you, what you make of what He has given you is your gift to Him.

03 October 2010

Business Meeting and Mid-week Bible Studies

There will be a Congregational Business Meeting tomorrow following the fellowship time after Morning Worship. Please plan to be in attendance at the meeting.
It is also time to start up our Midweek Bible Studies. Several Locations have already been reserved and hosts chosen. During the next few weeks we will begin meeting. Katie and Francois Martins will host a bible study in their home on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM. The first meeting will be this Wednesday. We will meet informally for fellowship and choosing a study with which to begin. Katie and Francois live near the church off Rose Garden Road. For better directions and how to find their house see Either Katie or Francois during morning worship tomorrow.
Pastor Eric

02 October 2010

A Closer Look at the Great Commission

Matthew 28:16-20 (HCSB)
16 The 11 disciples traveled to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had directed them.
17 When they saw Him, they worshiped, but some doubted.
18 Then Jesus came near and said to them, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

As we think about what in the world we as a church are doing to change the world it will do us well to actually examine the great commission. Jesus gives specific clear instruction to His disciples about what activities they should undertake in building His church. A brief but thorough examination of His command will help guide us as we prioritize our efforts in "Doing" church.

First Jesus reminds the disciples of the obvious. He has all the authority He needs not only to command their performance but to empower them to carry it out. Anyone can issue a command but only the person who has the authority to issue the command can gather support for those who are obeying and carrying out the command. After God raised Him from the dead and Jesus resumed His rightful place in heaven there should be no doubting His authority.

Then in a masterful sentence, Jesus tells His disciples to MAKE DISCIPLES. A simple examination of the verbs in this command will bear out this interpretation. In the original language the verb "go" is not capable of carrying the action of the command. Baptizing and Teaching are both participles and play a supportive role in clauses. In this particular instance the participles give direction as to how to carry out the command. The other verb "to observe" is inside of a clause and is the subject of the participle teaching. To observe is the subject of the apostolic teaching.

This leaves only one verb that can carry out the sentence. Make Disciples. In English there is no noun to perform the role of Subject in this sentence. We call this an understood subject. This is common device in many commands and declarative statements. We say things like, Sit down, stand up, tell me or go away all the time without identifying the subject we want to carry out the action. The person or people we are looking at understand who we are talking to. In Greek it is a little easier to identify the subject. Each verb has an ending attached to it that identifies which noun in the sentence is the subject. If no noun is identified, the verb ending carries out that role. This is the case in this command. Make disciples has a second person plural ending. You (all) make disciples. The only you all in this conversation and therefore the subject of the command would be the disciples. This also identifies the verb as the Object of the sentence.


Pastor Eric

27 September 2010

Posting your comments

it is quite simple to post a comment to this blog. Simply look to the end of the particular entry for which you would like to post a comment. You will find there a gray shaded place that says "0 Comments" or a number followed by the word Comments. click on this link and a dialog box will open with a place for you to type out your comment or comments. Select from the list how you would like your comment to be identified then click the button that says Submit your comment.

It isn't anymore complicated than that.

Proposed Changes to the Sunday morning Routine

If you were around this morning you probably heard the announcement about changes in the activities for Sunday Morning. Maybe you weren't there but heard about it from other church folks. Either way, thanks for investigating to find out more information and take part in the ongoing discussion about the changes that will be presented at the next congregational business meeting. You may post comments either for or against on this blog. Other church members who visit will be able to see them and add comments of their own. Even if you don't know enough to form an opinion, please post a comment with any questions for which you may want answers. You probably will not be the only person for whom that is a question.

What changes are being considered?

The Church Council will present the following motion at the Congregational Business meeting next Sunday October 3. "Should IBC discontinues the Sunday morning Bible Study at 9:30 am and expand the current Children's church format to include several classes covering children and yout up to and including age 13?

Why are these changes even being considered?

These changes are being proposed for a variety of reasons:

  1. Sunday school attendance has been low for several years.
  2. We have identified Sunday school as one reason many one-time visitors do not return for a second visit.
  3. Finding teachers for the Sunday school classes has been a difficult task to say the least.

What will the new Sunday morning schedule look like if these changes are implemented?

IBC will continue to meet for morning worship at 10:30 AM on Sunday. We will not have Adult or any other Bible Study at 9:30 AM. We will being our fellowship at 10 AM on Sunday before Morning worship. Anyone who wishes to do so may stay and talk after church, bitings and snacks will be available before worship. Following the offering youth and children 13 and younger will be dismissed for youth and children's worship. As the program progresses, we would look into increasing the length of Youth worship.

When will we set aside time for Adult Bible Study?

Adult Bible Study will be conducted on weekday evenings at various locations around town. It is hoped by the committee that Midweek Bible Studies will increase in attendance and importance as a result of these changes. The intended purpose is for these bible studies to change in their scope to the point that they are the primary point of interaction for church members. Their purpose would include not only Bible Study but also, Discipleship, Evangelism, ministry and mission opportunities.

When will these proposed changes take place, and how long would they be in effect?

Pending congregational approval the proposed changes will take effect the following Sunday October 10. At first plans are only to implement the changes for the remainder of 2010 as a sort of trial run. One reason they would be implemented this quickly concerns timing of the arrival of expatriates in Dar. Many of the newly arrived Expats are still searching for a church home in Dar.

A second reason has to do with the timing of the Church nominating committee and fiscal year. If the changes produce the hoped for positive result there will be no need to identify as many Sunday School teachers for the upcoming year. If the changes are not satisfactory and the church decides the old method is better we still have time to identify and recruit adequate Sunday School workers.


I sincerely hope this question and answer format provides you with enough information to begin asking other questions. It is not my intent to answer all of your questions or provide enough information for you to make a decision on how you would vote. It is my intention to provide a starting point for the discussion that needs to take place. May God bless and direct our efforts as we seek the best methods to carry out the mission and vision He gives us for being His church in Dar es Salaam.


Pastor Eric

26 September 2010

Sermon Notes from 26 September 2010

The Importance of Motive and Attitude

Matthew 20:1-16


We encounter numerous difficulties in hearing this parable


The apparently absolute foolishness of the landowner

    Who gives a full day's pay to one who works 1 hour?

    Why doesn't he value the hard work of the first hired?

    What does this say about his sense of Justice?


Because the landowner in the parable obviously represents God anything we say about the landowner we are saying about God. This is troublesome to those who are working for a reward.


Who are these workers?

    The first-hired are confident, self-assured and even proud.

    The second, third and fourth groups also fit this category

    Even in Jesus' day, some people and some work started later.


Why the same reward for everyone?

    Everyone gets the same reward in the parable.

    Only those hired at sunrise had a contract.

    The next groups agreed to whatever is right.

    The last-hired only came because they were invited.


In the kingdom of Heaven, motive and attitude bear on reward.


The last-hired expected nothing and received a full reward.

The first-hired bargained with the land-owner, received their reward and grumbled.


Peter's question, "Look, we have left everything and followed you, so what will there be for us?" is the true setting and background for this parable. Only as an answer for this question does the parable make sense.


We must relate to Christ in Love with generous giving and receiving. We give Him our all and receive Him in return.

Grace is not Cheap

What is Discipleship? To many Christians today, discipleship has lost any meaning that it may once have held. Even just recently a person was explaining to me that they thought that becoming a Christian meant they would not have any problems. They understood that becoming a Christian meant God would take care of all their needs, physically and financially and that their life would become much easier and better. Even as I write this I trust that none of us have been taken in by this deceitful and wicked misconception of the new life we have in Jesus Christ.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote a famous study on Christian discipleship entitled "The Cost of Discipleship". In it he makes the statement, when Christ calls a man, He bids him come, and die. The point of the book and this saying is that the call to life in Christ is a call to die to oneself so that we might live to God. Jesus' own words on the subject were "If anyone would come after me let him take up his cross and follow me." We recognize clearly in this and other commands a requirement that we put to death our old way of life and put on the new man who is recreated in the image of Christ.

Discipleship is the process we go through in fulfilling that calling. Paul sums it up in Romans 12:1-2 by saying 1 Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. Transformation is the end result of discipleship. But what transformations are we expected to undergo. Those who say that the goal of the new birth is to make us wealthy would answer from rags to riches, from want to plenty. What if Jesus died not to make us happy, but to make us holy and to teach us how to love.

If so (and I believe the latter answer is the correct one) we can make a few observations about the process. First we will live out our discipleship in community with other believers. This will require that we learn not only how to get along with people who are different than us but also how to demonstrate love to the same. Along the way we will encounter people who are further along their transformation than are we. These will offer us encouragement and sound advice. We will also encounter those for whom we can provide guidance and support. In Solomon's words; "Iron sharpens Iron, so one man sharpens another."

Secondly, since God wants to make us holy we must deal with the presence of Sin in our lives. The salvation we receive from our new standing with Christ is a completed project. We are saved. Sin however is still present and we must allow the Holy Spirit to convict us of it and also convince us of the righteousness that is available in Christ. This is His job. Careful study of Scripture and prayer is the method He uses to carry out this work. This part of our discipleship is done both privately and in community with other believers. We must find time alone to hear God's voice and time with other believers to learn to live out that obedience.

Another point to consider is that we must be intentional about our discipleship. It is not easy. Grace is not cheap. God offers it to us freely for us to receive. But like the parable of the treasure in the field, it will cost us all that we once were. We give ourselves freely to Chris without holding back. This is not an accident but something we must be involved in as a regular part of our day.

There is also a personal level to discipleship that will be different for each of us. Just as sin does not affect each of us to the same degree and in the same manner, the path of our transformation will be different for each of us. There is a close relationship between the gifting and calling we receive from God and the plans He has for our discipleship and transformation. Following the call of God for your life is the way you are to be a Disciple. This call and ministry must be different for each of us and it is up to the Holy Spirit to spell this out for us.

A final point is our discussion but far from a final point on the subject) is that we must be humble in acknowledging our needs. Not only humble before God, but with each other. No one of us is perfect and no one of us is beyond reach. My grandfather used to tell me "There is so much bad in the best of us and so much good in the worst of us, that it ill behooves any of us to speak ill of the rest of us." We must be humble enough to be honest and trustworthy enough not to gossip.

So let us tomorrow look at how we "do" Discipleship as one of the functions of International Baptist Church. What are we doing to provide each other the opportunity to sharpen one another and be sharpened by one another? How are we providing people the opportunity to learn to be holy and loving?


Pastor Eric

24 September 2010

Why Church?

After His resurrection, Before Jesus returned to heaven He gave His disciples a serious charge. "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20") We commonly refer to this command as the Great Commission. Earlier in His ministry Jesus told Peter that on the rock of his confession of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God, He would build His church. (Matthew 16:13-20) Paul also reminds us that Jesus loved the church and Gave Himself (all His life, work, love and effort) for it. His purpose in doing so is to present the Church to Himself as a bride; pure, spotless and blameless. At Pentecost God sent the promised Holy Spirit, the Comforter who will take the things that are God's and make them known to us as individuals and collectively as the Church.
This same church has endured across the centuries, and not only endured but triumphed. Governments have opposed, tortured, persecuted and harassed her and still she has grown and spread the good news of the kingdom of God across the continents. Even when the Roman Empire co-opted the church and used her for political purposes there were faithful people who proclaimed salvation. Within the first generation of believers there is evidence that the Gospel went into every known civilization and that individual churches were started. Across the centuries the Church has stood for truth, integrity and justice. There have been times where segments and different communities have apostatized and fallen back from the clear commands of Christ. God has raised up reformers from within His church to return her to the first love of her early days.
There are also lasting changes in cultures around the world that are a direct result of the influence of Christ's Church on the culture in which she was established. In the power of the Holy Spirit, the church has abolished Slavery in most of the world, elevated the standing of women in cultures around the globe and pushed for reforms in education. The church has championed treatment of the poor, ministry to those in prison, defended the rights of the fatherless, cared for orphans and widows in their distress and found ways to penetrate cultures with an appropriate expression of the good news of forgiveness of sins and a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ her Lord.
The apostles traveled across the width and breadth of the Roman Empire and turned their world on end because of what they had seen and what they knew. This same Jesus whom was crucified God has raised from the Dead and made Him Lord. Because of this truth, and what they knew the Apostles and early followers of the way could not be dissuaded from proclaiming the Gospel and wherever they went, they started churches. Small groups of believers who met regularly for fellowship, for hearing God's word, for breaking of bread and prayer.
There was no central organization necessary for planning and planting churches. No neighborhood surveys were conducted. People simply heard the gospel, believed it and told the message to others who heard it and believed and then began meeting together.
But the question remains, why would Jesus choose the Church to carry out and continue the work of the Kingdom of Heaven? Why not a missionary society? Why not a school? Why not a recovery group or a self help program? Why not create a theocracy and local government that would legislate the ethics and rules of the Kingdom of God among its subject and then seek world domination through political might.
There are several answers to that question but before we discuss them, take time to think about and reflect on this. Why would Jesus choose to create this institution we call a church? And how are we as a local church carrying out His will, following His commands and fulfilling the Great Commission?
Pastor Eric

23 September 2010

What in the world is our church doing to change the world?

The International Baptist Church of Tanzania is an English Language Church - with our targeted mission group - the international peoples living in Dar. We maintain an international outlook, while maintaining a strong central core membership composed of local Tanzanian citizens who themselves will have an international outlook.

This is our Mission Statement. A mission statement seeks to answer the question for what purpose has God established another Church in a country where 35 to 40 % of the population are professed or at least nominal Christians. A mission statement also helps to differentiate one local congregation from other local congregations. It can solidify an identity for a local church.

But even the best mission statement has limitations. It cannot provide life for a church. It cannot provide Unity for the people who make up that local congregation. It does not provide spiritual power and growth for the body of Christ. All of these things require the direct working of God's Holy Spirit in the lives of individual men and women inside of that fellowship. Speaking of being the body of Christ isn't this identity what we are all supposed to strive for. Not that we strive in our own power but rather in the power and grace of the Holy Spirit. Hasn't God called us individually to perform some ministry in the body to improve the overall performance of the body.

A Mission statement gives overall direction and clarity to the reasons why we gather but it is not our life. It is neither the source of our strength nor the source of our spiritual sustenance.

A mission statement does help a local Church answer how they will carry out the five functions of a New Testament Church. One of the ways it helps with this crucial task is giving an intentional direction to the process of organizing these Five Functions. In alphabetical order those Five Functions of a New Testament Church are Discipleship, Evangelism, Fellowship, Ministry and Worship. I used Alphabetical order because it is easy. Arranging the functions according to order of importance in the life of the Church requires prayer, asking questions, seeking God and much discussion. All of this work is what goes into formulating a Vision Statement.

A vision statement answers the question "How does our Church go about carrying out the Mission God has called us to fulfill?" Please allow me to draw on a Sports analogy to explain. A College Football team in the US may adopt as its mission, "we will win our conference championship and play in a BCS Bowl Game this year." The Vision statement would necessarily have specific statements about things necessary for achieving their mission. They would be such things as "we will have the most dominating pass rush and run defense in the conference." or "The offensive line will be the largest and most talented line in the conference."
A Vision statement does help strengthen the Unity that God gives through the indwelling, sanctifying and securing power of His Holy Spirit.

Over the next few weeks, The International Baptist Church of Tanzania will be reviewing our vision. Sort of a check up if you will to review who we are as part of the family of God in Dar es Salaam. While we are doing this please feel freedom to comment or post on this blog with your feelings, impressions and desires about our Vision and how it supports the mission statement of IBC. I look forward to having this conversation with you as we seek how to be God's people in Dar.

God's blessings to you,
Pastor Eric

22 September 2010

Sermon Notes from 19 September 2010

The Sower and the Soils

the path often ran through the middle of a field
rocky ground goes along with hilly country
the thorny soil not visible plants but rather seeds already present and unseen in the soil
The good soil deep, rich, well-watered and free of pollutants and corruptions

Jesus explains His use of parables

THe moral condition of His hearers determined how they would receive and respond to the message of the kingdom and the gospel.

The soils of a human heart

The path
A person who cannot commit but follows every new doctrine
the seed arrives but never has a chance to sprout

Rocky Ground
Simple minded people who never meditate deeply enough to fully grasp the demands of the gospel

The thorny soil
People in whom the gospel must compete for occupancy and primacy in the heart and affections

The good ground
Honest and good heart
Hold onto the word and endure
Only this soil produces mature fruit

17 September 2010

Church Council Meeting

This Sunday, September 19 there will be a church council meeting following the Morning Worship Service and Fellowship. If you are a member of the church council please plan to be in attendance at the Morning service of worship and stay around for the Council meeting.

14 September 2010

Sermon Notes 12 September 2010

The Blade, the Ear and the Grain
Purpose of the Parable
"This is how it is with the kingdom of Heaven"
Key element is the growth of the seed
Not the identity of the sower or the type of seed

Our maturity in sanctification and spiritual graces is comparable to growth in the natural world around us.

The blade is like the new birth of the believer
Sincerity and joy are not to be confused with maturity

The ear is the maturing faith of one who has begun to grapple with the depth of their sinful nature.
It is harder to believe than not to believe during this season.

The full grain is the mature fruit of the Spirit in us. Galatians 5:22-23

What is necessary on our part?

Waiting on the Lord Psalm 27:13-14
Trusting in His faithfulness Psalm 125
Resting in His mercy Hebrews 4
Hoping in His glory Romans 5:1-5
Believing His promises II Peter 1:3-9
Studying His word II Timothy 2:14-16

The first words we will say in heaven: "of course".

12 September 2010

Nominating committe members

Special thank you to Lucy Mrema, Dorothy Miller and Vijay Somgal for agreeing to serve as our nominating committee for the upcoming year. This month they will be working to identify the people God has called to serve as our Worship Leader and Sunday School Director. Their names will be presented at the October 3 Business meeting for approval. Those 5 people will serve as the full committee and begin identifying the leadership positions and personnel we need to carry out the ministry opportunities God has presented us with for the next year. Please be much and deeply in prayer for these people. Also be in prayer about who should serve in the positions to be identified and if God would have you to serve in one of these positions.

Sermon Notes from 05 September 2010

The Seeds of the Kingdom

What is the kingdom of God
Crucial question
Future or present?

Old Testament understanding of the Kingdom
Day of the Lord Malachi 4:1-3
Reign and Rule of God as Judge Psalm 96:10-13
Jerusalem His throne II Chronicles 7
God re-establishing David's throne II Samuel 7:16

The start of the Kingdom
John's appearance and announcement Luke 3
Jesus' inaugural address Luke 4:16-21
John's question and Jesus' response Luke 7:18-30
Kingdom present in Jesus' Ministry Luke 11:14-23

The growth of the Kingdom
From small to the world
Hidden from the world
Active in History

Salvation is a foretaste

A warning: John, greatest among men, almost missed it. The religious leaders eagerly awaited it and then completely rejected it. Simple fisherman, sinners and women could not avoid being captivated by its appearance. What will you make of it?

03 September 2010

Bible Study Update

We are currently reviewing our Midweek and Sunday Morning Bible Study classes. God has blessed and we will need to add more classes on Sunday Morning and would also like to add one weekday Bible Study Class. Hosting a midweek bible study in your home is a great way to beat the traffic and still enjoy a meaningful small group bible study. It is not necessary for you to lead the study or even decide what to study. The church has materials and trained leaders ready to assist you. If you are interested in hosting a midweek study let Pastor Eric know this Sunday.
We are also going to be adding a few Sunday Morning Bible study classes for different age groups. The nominating committee will be looking for leaders to teach these classes.

01 September 2010

Sermon Notes from 22 August 2010

That we may Know Him

The Setting


Between The Lord's Supper and Gethsemane

Jesus Looks up

The Hour has come


We know Him as


The bread of life             John 6:35

The light of the world            John 8:12

The door of the Sheep        John 10:7

14 The good Shepherd        John 10:11

The Resurrection and the life        John 11:25-26

The way, the truth and the life    John 14:6

The true vine                John 15: 1


Because we know Him


We Love one another.        John 13:34

We know true humility.        Phil 2:1-3

We know peace            Ephesians 4:31

We know forgiveness            Ephesians 4:32

We know acceptance


We must demonstrate the same to others

31 August 2010

New Series of Sermons Starts Sunday September 5

We will begin a new 13 week sermon series this Sunday, 5 September 2010. We will take a closer look at the Parables of Jesus. This Sunday we will look at the Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Parable of the Leaven. Tell your friends and coworkers. You can begin now to read these great parables again so they will be fresh in your Spirit, mind and heart. These parables discuss the Kingdom of God and how it grows not only in us but in all the world. I know you will be challenged and blessed as we look at these parables with some fresh insights. God bless you this week.

30 August 2010

Sermon Notes from 29 August 2010

In case you missed any of the words to fill in the blanks on the sermon notes on the back of the bulletin here are the notes from the sermon yesterday. We will be replacing the overhead projector in the near future and back to our regular projection system but until then I will post sermon notes here on Monday following the sermon. Tomorrow I will post notes from the sermon on 22 August in cse you missed something then and want to fill it in.


So the world may believe


We must be united so the world may believe the Father has sent the Son.

If we are divided, the world will not be convinced the Father has not sent the Son

    We cannot glorify Christ

    We cannot represent Christianity as truth

    We cannot receive the glory Christ desires for us


The basis of our unity is that God is in Christ and Christ is in each of us.

    Not in an organic, structural unity

    Not in doctrinal confessions

    Not in phony high sounding fluff


If Christ is in us we have fellowship in Him

    Forgiveness of sins

    Humility of heart and character

    Longing for restoration and peace

    Awareness of our own sinful nature

    Weariness in struggling with sin


Regardless of how much Christ asks us to forgive other believers, it will fade into nothing in comparison to what we have asked Christ to forgive in ourselves.


John 17:20-26

29 August 2010

Family Fun Day Feedback

Judging by the laughter I heard it sounds like our first Family Fun Day was a Success. Many thanks to Benedicte for helping organize the game of Charades. Also thanks for everyone who brought food/ drinks/ desert and also games. Special appreciation as well goes out to all the men who hung around the kitchen washing dishes. Remember it is only two months until the next Fifth Sunday. October 31 for those of us who like to keep up with Calendars and schedule things.

So here is the challenge. I have already received several excellent suggestions for ways to improve the next fun day. What are your ideas? Click on the Comment link below this post and let us know your ideas. Also you can click on the "become a follower" button on the left to receive notification when updates are posted to this Blog.

28 August 2010

Construction Projects update

The cage around the generator has been built and is in place. It is nice and sturdy with plenty of room for starting the generator. The next step is getting the switch to go from Tanesco Power to Generated power moved around to the outside of the building and connecting the wiring to the generator.
On another electricity note, Tanesco has reported that the LUKU Meter for the parsonage will not be available until October of this year. There is another style meter that could be provided at the same price but is not an acceptable option.

26 August 2010

Lord's Supper this Sunday

This Sunday we will observe and celebrate the Lord's Supper. We will also finish our Three week long examination of the High priestly Prayer from John Chapter 17. As you prepare for Worship this Sunday examine your hearts to see that we observe the Supper in a manner worthy of the grace by which we stand. I Corinthians 11:27-32. If we count on our own righteous behavior and observance of rules or even spiritual practices to make us worthy we are already judged. Instead we must evaluate our hearts to see whether we are trusting in the grace of our Heavenly Father and the sufficiency of Christ's Sacrifice on our behalf. We should approach the table with a humble and contrite heart that relies only the mercy of Christ to make us worthy. We know that in our own strength will never be righteous and must depend on the imputed righteousness of Christ to make us presentable for partaking of the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

25 August 2010

Midweek Bible Studies

Please check the map on the bulletin board in the hallway. We are updating the schedule and locations for our midweek bible studies and would appreciate your input. ake one of the pins that are attached to a slip of paper that are all around the map. Write your family name on the map. Once you have located your home on the map, place the pin and the paper slip with your name on it on the map. Last years midweek group meetings were a big success and we anticipate more of the same this year. Your input will help us organize a meeting for a time and location convenient to you.

24 August 2010

Unofficial IBC Worship Book

Matt, Vijay and Scott are compiling a list of songs for a worship book to use on Sunday mornings. We will continue to use powerpoint in our morning worship but we are looking for songs that people like and are not in the hymnal. They hope to compile this to make it easier for people to join the worship team and for pratice sessions. So this is your chance to provide input as to what songs go in the book. If for instance you are that one person who was greatly disappointed that "God of Earth and Outer Space" somehow didn't find its way into the new hymnal this is your chance. If you want to suggest a song for the worship book simply post a comment to this message and we will see that it gets included.

Worship Team News

It has been a blessing to see a stage full of people helping to lead us in worship in recent months. But with School returning we are losing a few of these folks. This creates opportunities for more people to help lead us in worship on Sunday Mornings. There is no audition necessary just a heart for praise and a love for singing. Practice is on Saturday afternoon at 1430 (2:30 PM) in the auditorium. We also have an opportunity for someone who plays keyboard to join in the services. The church has a keyboard just waiting for someone to come and help. Again, no auditions are necessary just a willingness to serve and the ability to play.

God Bless.

Church Business Meeting

Sunday September 6 will be an important business meeting for International Baptist Church and we have some items of signifigant importance to the Church Family on the agenda. Be sure and check the bulletin Board in the Hall for information about proposed plans to renovate the Askari house in the corner of the property. Plans and prices for the renovation are posted there so be sure and review the information and ask questions.

Family Day at International Baptist Church

Welcome back from Winter break and travels. Local Schools have started back in session and it is a great time to renew acquintances and friendship with people you haven't seen in a few months. This Sunday, August 29th, we will start a new tradition at International Baptist Church. Following the Morning worship service we will have a pot luck supper. You are welcome to come and bring your favorite dish or something you really like to cook. We will all enjoy a meal and fellowship together followed by games and fun. We will have supervised activities for the children and adults are encouraged to bring a board game, cards, croquet, badminton or whatever you enjoy to play. We will stick around the church grounds as long as everyone is enjoying themselves and having fun.

The plan is for this to be the first of many Family Day celebrations. The next one is planned for October 31. Be sure to check your calendars, any month that has 5 Sundays we will plan a family day celebration for the fifth Sunday.

23 June 2010

Construction Projects Update

Construction is underway for the new security lighting on the church compound. The first two lights were installed yesterday, June 22. The other new lights are being installed today. It looks like everything should be done this week and you can see the changes this Sunday June 27.

Also the new wires have been installed to service the additional LUKU meter at the parsonage. We have paid TANESCO for the meter and installation but TANESCO is waiting for a 3 phase LUKU meter. They say it should take a month for the meter to arrive and then they will arrange an appointment for installation. When possible I will post pictures of the new Security lights. I will also post pictures of the compound with the new lights up and working.

22 June 2010

Pot Luck Supper this Sunday. For certain this time. Okay, last time I put an announcement for a Pot Luck on the Blog I was mistaken. This time I am sure. We will have a Potluck supper this Sunday, June 27 for the three families who are leaving the church. Please bring your favorite food or bitings and join us for fellowship. This will be the last opportunity for fellowship with John and Anu Avery (and Anu's good cooking). The Collums are also leaving but will be with us for another couple of Sundays before departing for Germany and Andrew's next duty assignment. The Metzel's will also be leaving us but have been delayed due to paperwork problems from the Congo. Please pray for them as they are spending a couple of extra weeks with us.

New Library Books

Many thanks to Scott and Mboyo Metzel for some excellent additions to our church Library. They have given us a large number of books on a variety of subjects. I would like to call attention to several books from Navpress. Navpress is the publishing arm of The Navigators, an international Missions organization headquartered in Colorado Springs, USA.

There are three group or individual study guides on Spiritual Journaling, Writing your Spiritual Biography and Contemplative Bible Reading. These Three titles are part of the Spiritual Formation Series of Study Guides from Navpress. They would make a good series of Bible Studies for a Small group meeting.

There is also a copy of two books by Jerry Bridges in one volume. The Pursuit of Holiness and its sequel, The Practice of Godliness. This is a small sample of the books we received. Stop by and see what else is available in your Church Library. The Library is open every Sunday for 30 Minutes following the Morning Worship.

04 June 2010

Pot Luck and Business Meeting Sunday

This Sunday we will be blessed with a Pot Luck Meal for all to enjoy after morning worship. Also we will have a regularly scheduled business meeting to follow the meal. And if this were not enough John and Anu will be back from their trip to help with leading us in worship. All these combine to make this one Sunday you will not want to miss.
We are still enrolling in our Sunday school classes as well. There is an age- grouped class for you. Classes start at 9:30 on Sunday Morning and finish in time for Morning Worship Service. Coffee and Tea are available so come early for the fellowship, encouragement and excitement of studying God's Word with a small group of friends.

29 May 2010

Weekday Bible Studies

In addition to our sunday Morning activities we have four midweek bible studies that meet in Church members homes around the city. Thursday night at 5 pm (1700) in Upanga at the home of Dr. Vijay and Rita Somgal and also at 5 pm (1700) in Tabata. On Wednesday Night there are two meetings as well. One at the church at 5:30 pm (1730) and at the home of Solomon and Anna Mwasha on the way to Mbezi at 5:30 pm (1730). For more information on how to find the locations feel free to call and talk to Pastor Eric Hiatt at 0222774423 (TTCL Land Line) or 0777180097 Cell phone.

Welcome to International Baptist Church, Dar es Salaam

We're glad you found our blog and happier to know you are searching for an international church in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. We are located in Kijitonyama, Dar es Salaam directly across from Makambusho market. From New bagamoyo road, turn west at World Wide Movers, Tanzania. Turn right at the end of the road then left at the construction site for the new bus terminal and shopping arcade. We are on the left side of the road across from the market. We have graded sunday school classes from Toddlers to Adults at 9:30 am and English language worship sevices at 10:30. After worship, you are invited to stick around for a time of fellowship with coffee, teas, biscuits and snacks. You will find International Baptist Church in Dar es Salaam to be a friendly home for yourself and your family.