Opportunities for worship

Sunday School 0930
Worship Service 1030

27 December 2010

Sermon Notes 5 December 2010

Jesus: The Mighty Son of God


Who does Mark say that Jesus Is?


Jesus is the mighty Son of God who defeats the enemies of God and Man

    Satan and temptation                Mark 1:12 - 13

    Overcomes demons                Mark 1:23 - 26

    Illness and disability                Mark 1:29 - 2:5

Jesus was misunderstood and somewhat enigmatic

    Misunderstood by the religious leaders        Mark 3:20 - 28

    By His own Disciples                Mark 8:16 – 21

    By common people                Mark 8:27 – 28

    Peter grasped the enigma            Mark 8:29


What is the significance of recognizing who Jesus is?


For Jesus it meant





For the Apostles it meant



    Losing their lives to find them in Him


How does God confirm who Jesus is?

    Triumphal entry with the common people

    Betrayal at the hands of two of his apostles

    Rejection and treachery at the hands of the religious leaders



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