Opportunities for worship

Sunday School 0930
Worship Service 1030

22 September 2010

Sermon Notes from 19 September 2010

The Sower and the Soils

the path often ran through the middle of a field
rocky ground goes along with hilly country
the thorny soil not visible plants but rather seeds already present and unseen in the soil
The good soil deep, rich, well-watered and free of pollutants and corruptions

Jesus explains His use of parables

THe moral condition of His hearers determined how they would receive and respond to the message of the kingdom and the gospel.

The soils of a human heart

The path
A person who cannot commit but follows every new doctrine
the seed arrives but never has a chance to sprout

Rocky Ground
Simple minded people who never meditate deeply enough to fully grasp the demands of the gospel

The thorny soil
People in whom the gospel must compete for occupancy and primacy in the heart and affections

The good ground
Honest and good heart
Hold onto the word and endure
Only this soil produces mature fruit

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