Opportunities for worship

Sunday School 0930
Worship Service 1030

24 September 2010

Why Church?

After His resurrection, Before Jesus returned to heaven He gave His disciples a serious charge. "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20") We commonly refer to this command as the Great Commission. Earlier in His ministry Jesus told Peter that on the rock of his confession of Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God, He would build His church. (Matthew 16:13-20) Paul also reminds us that Jesus loved the church and Gave Himself (all His life, work, love and effort) for it. His purpose in doing so is to present the Church to Himself as a bride; pure, spotless and blameless. At Pentecost God sent the promised Holy Spirit, the Comforter who will take the things that are God's and make them known to us as individuals and collectively as the Church.
This same church has endured across the centuries, and not only endured but triumphed. Governments have opposed, tortured, persecuted and harassed her and still she has grown and spread the good news of the kingdom of God across the continents. Even when the Roman Empire co-opted the church and used her for political purposes there were faithful people who proclaimed salvation. Within the first generation of believers there is evidence that the Gospel went into every known civilization and that individual churches were started. Across the centuries the Church has stood for truth, integrity and justice. There have been times where segments and different communities have apostatized and fallen back from the clear commands of Christ. God has raised up reformers from within His church to return her to the first love of her early days.
There are also lasting changes in cultures around the world that are a direct result of the influence of Christ's Church on the culture in which she was established. In the power of the Holy Spirit, the church has abolished Slavery in most of the world, elevated the standing of women in cultures around the globe and pushed for reforms in education. The church has championed treatment of the poor, ministry to those in prison, defended the rights of the fatherless, cared for orphans and widows in their distress and found ways to penetrate cultures with an appropriate expression of the good news of forgiveness of sins and a right relationship with God through Jesus Christ her Lord.
The apostles traveled across the width and breadth of the Roman Empire and turned their world on end because of what they had seen and what they knew. This same Jesus whom was crucified God has raised from the Dead and made Him Lord. Because of this truth, and what they knew the Apostles and early followers of the way could not be dissuaded from proclaiming the Gospel and wherever they went, they started churches. Small groups of believers who met regularly for fellowship, for hearing God's word, for breaking of bread and prayer.
There was no central organization necessary for planning and planting churches. No neighborhood surveys were conducted. People simply heard the gospel, believed it and told the message to others who heard it and believed and then began meeting together.
But the question remains, why would Jesus choose the Church to carry out and continue the work of the Kingdom of Heaven? Why not a missionary society? Why not a school? Why not a recovery group or a self help program? Why not create a theocracy and local government that would legislate the ethics and rules of the Kingdom of God among its subject and then seek world domination through political might.
There are several answers to that question but before we discuss them, take time to think about and reflect on this. Why would Jesus choose to create this institution we call a church? And how are we as a local church carrying out His will, following His commands and fulfilling the Great Commission?
Pastor Eric

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