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Sunday School 0930
Worship Service 1030

17 November 2010

Sermon Notes 14 November 2010

Sins Against Grace

One Parable with two applications
Most obviously allegorical of Matthews parables
King is God,the Father
The Son is Jesus Christ
The Bride is the church
The Wedding feast is the Messianic banquet
Servants of the first announcement were the prophets up to John
Servants of the second announcement were the Apostles
The first group of invitees was Israel of the Old Testament
The second group of invitees is every tribe and tongue of earth
The wedding gown is the faithful life expected of a disciple

What then is the meaning of the parable?

The parable warns against two wicked responses to the grace of God so richly poured out on us in Christ. Together these responses prove the point of Jesus summary statement; "Many are called, few are chosen."

The first response is to despise the grace of God by ignoring it or refusing to accept it when it is offered to us. This was the sin of the first group of invited guests. Far too often this sin leads to a rejection which takes the form of violence.

The second response is to despise God's grace by refusing to deal with the sin God's Spirit reveals in our lives. This is the sin of Romans Chapter 6.

The balanced approach is grateful obedience to Christ which produces a life of Holiness and Love.

I Peter 1:22-25
Galatians 5:2-6

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